Property Palette


See the Add-On installation guide for details.

Open Property Palette

You can open Property Palette through one of the following entry points:

  • Go to Options menu and select Property Palette from the list.
  • Go to Window / Palettes menu and select Property Palette from the list.

Edit properties of selected Elements

Choose one or more Elements with the Property Palette open. The parameters and properties of the selected Elements will promptly display on the palette, allowing you to edit the values much like you would in the Element Settings Dialog.

If multiple Elements are selected, the palette will show the value of the last selected Element. Any modifications made will be applied to all selected Elements for which the property is applicable.


You can refine the list of visible properties by utilizing the search field positioned at the top of the palette.

Pin properties

You have the ability to put any property to the top of the list. Simply choose a property and click the pin button located at the top of the palette. To remove a property from the pinned list, select the pinned property and click the pin button again.


You can access various options by clicking on the settings button located in the top-right corner of the palette. These settings are saved to preferences. The following settings are available:

  • Show Pinned Properties: Toggle to show or hide pinned properties.
  • Show Element Parameters: Toggle to show or hide Element parameters (such as Layer or Home Story).
  • Show Element Properties: Toggle to show Classifications and Properties.
  • Shared Properties Only: Toggle to switch between shared and non-shared mode in case of multiple selected Elements.
    • If this is turned on, you can see only the properties that are available for all selected Elements.
    • It this is turned off, you can see the properties that are available for any of the selected Elements.


Elements must be reserved to edit their properties.

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