Add-On installation guide
The Add-Ons on this site are delivered in .apx or .bundle format, so you need to install them manually. You can choose between two available methods based on what suits your setup best.
Method 1: Copy to the Add-Ons folder
The easiest way to install an Add-On is simply to copy it into the Add-Ons folder of Archicad.
- Download the Add-On zip file and extract it (you will find an .apx on Windows and a .bundle on macOS).
- Copy the downloaded file to the Add-Ons folder of your corresponding Archicad installation. Please note that the folder name may be localized to the language of your Archicad installation.
- On Windows, it typically looks like this: C:\Program Files\Graphisoft\Archicad 27\Add-Ons.
- On macOS, it typically looks like this: /Applications/Graphisoft/Archicad 27/Add-Ons.
- Restart Archicad, and now the Add-On should be loaded automatically.
Method 2: Install via Add-On Manager
This method is useful if you would like to store the Add-On file somewhere else on your computer.
- Download the Add-On zip file and extract it (you will find an .apx on Windows and a .bundle on macOS).
- Start Archicad, and install the Add-On from the Add-On Manager.
- Close the currently opened project by File > Close Project.
- Open Add-On Manager by Options > Add-On Manager…
- Open the Edit List of Available Add-Ons tab.
- Click on the Add button, and browse your downloaded Add-On file.
- Click on OK.
- Now the Add-On is installed and ready to use.
If the Add-On doesn’t work, open the Add-On Manager in Archicad, and find the Add-On in the list. If you see a warning sign, it means that the Add-On was failed to load in Archicad. It can caused by several things, please check the points below.
- Make sure that you are using the Add-On built for your current platform (the extension of the Add-On is .apx on Windows, and .bundle on macOS).
- Make sure you are loading the Add-On built for your current Archicad version.
- Make sure the Add-On is not loaded already (for example a different localized version).
If you have questions, feel free to contact us.