glTF Exporter


See the Add-On installation guide for details.

Save as glTF

You can save the current 3D model to a glTF file with the following steps:

  • Switch to 3D.
  • Select File / Save as… from the menu.
  • Select glTF File (*.glb) as the file type.
  • Click on the Save button.


During the save process, a dialog will appear with various options

  • Create glTF meshes by: glTF meshes are created from logical groups of Archicad Elements. Here you can choose the method for creating these groups.
    • Surface: A glTF mesh will be created for each Surface.
    • Layer: A glTF mesh will be created for each Layer.
    • Element type: A glTF mesh will be created for each Element type.
    • Element: A glTF mesh will be created for each Element.
    • Entire model: The entire model will be exported in one glTF mesh.
  • Texture handling: Here you can define how to handle textures.
    • Embed textures in glTF: When turned on, textures will be embedded in the glTF file. When turned off, the glTF file won’t contain any texture information.
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