Layer Palette


See the Add-On installation guide for details.

Open Layer Palette

You can open Layer Palette through one of the following entry points:

  • Go to Options menu and select Layer Palette from the list.
  • Go to Window / Palettes menu and select Layer Palette from the list.

Edit parameters of Layers

On the palette, you can see all layers listed in a tree hierarchy. Click on the icons located on the right side of the list to modify the visibility, locked, or wireframe status of the corresponding layers. These status changes apply to multiple selected layers and folders as well. When dealing with folders, the status change will impact all layers within the specified folder.


You can refine the list of visible Layers by utilizing the search field positioned at the top of the palette.


You can access various options by clicking on the settings button located in the top-right corner of the palette. These settings are saved to preferences. The following settings are available:

  • Folder View / List View: Toggle to switch between hierarchical or flat list view of the Layers.
  • Expand All / Collapse All: Expand or collapse all folders.
  • Show only Layers of selected Elements: List only the Layers that are connected to the currently selected Elements.
  • Save as Layer Combination: Saves the current state of flags to a new Layer Combination.


To change the visibility, lock, and wireframe settings of Layers, you need to have “Layers/Layer Combinations – Delete/Modify” permission. Similarly, to save the current configuration as a Layer Combination, you need to have “Layers/Layer Combinations – Create” permission.

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