Property Visibility Manager


See the Add-On installation guide for details.

Manage Property Visibility Sets

You can manage multiple Classification and Property Visibility Sets in your project, each with different settings. To manage Visibility Sets, open the Property Visibility Manager dialog by selecting Options / Property Visibility Manager from the menu.

On the left hand side of the dialog you can see all of the Visibility Sets in your project. The selected Visibility Set will be automatically applied to your project upon closing the dialog.

Default Visibility Set

The first item is named All Visible. This item is not editable, and it doesn’t have any impact on the Classication and Property visibility in the project. Use this option if you would like to see all Classifications and Properties.

Custom Visibility Sets

At the bottom of the list, you’ll find buttons that allow you to create, duplicate, rename, or delete Visibility Sets. Newly created Visibility Sets are customizable, giving you the ability to choose which Classifications and Properties should be visible or invisible.

Visibility Set effects on the project

After creating and activating a Visibility Set, any hidden Classifications and Properties will be concealed throughout the user interface wherever encountered. A note will also appear stating that not all Classifications and Properties are visible.


Visibility Sets are accessible to all users within a Teamwork project. Editing these sets is restricted to one Teamwork user at a time. The general reserve/release logic can be employed to acquire control over Visibility Sets for editing purposes.

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