USDZ Exporter


See the Add-On installation guide for details.

Save as USDZ

You can save the current 3D model to a USDZ file with the following steps:

  • Switch to 3D.
  • Select File / Save as… from the menu.
  • Select USDZ File (*.usdz) as the file type.
  • Click on the Save button.


During the save process, a dialog will appear with various options

  • Texture handling: Here you can define how to handle textures.
    • Embed textures in USDZ: When turned on, textures will be embedded in the USDZ file. When turned off, the USDZ file won’t contain any texture information.
  • Model size: Here you can modify the size of the model.
    • Scale: The scale of the model in the USDZ file. For instance, a scale of 1:1 indicates that the model will be proportioned to real-life dimensions.

Extended reality tips

When using extended reality on Apple devices, ground alignment is calculated based on the lowest point in the model. For the best experience, make sure to export only the portion of the model that is above ground level.

Please note that some mobile devices may struggle with very large models. When exporting a model, consider removing furniture, plants or other objects with a high polygon count.

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